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Established in 1956, LIC is currently India’s largest Insurance Company of India. It is an Indian state-owned Insurance Group and Investment Company. It has 8 Zonal Offices, 133 Divisional Offices, and 2048 Branch Offices with thousands of workers all across the country playing important role in building the economy of the country. The LIC recruitment process will be conducted to recruit eligible candidates for the post of Assistant Engineers and Assistant Administrative Officer in various branches of LIC all across the country.

LIC AAO 2021 Selection Process

LIC AAO & AE selection will be done on the basis of a three-phase examination i.e. Preliminary Examination (Phase I), Main Examination (Phase II), and Interview followed by Pre-Recruitment Medical Examination. Marks obtained in the Main Examination and Interview will be considered for the final merit listing of candidates (Final Selection).

LIC AAO 2021 Exam Pattern

LIC AAO & AE 2021 will be conducted in two phases: Prelims and Mains.

LIC AAO & AE Prelims Exam:

The Written Exam will contain 3 sections namely: Reasoning, English Language Language, Quantitative Aptitude. The total duration of the written exam will be 1 hour or 60 minutes. 0.25 marks will be deducted if a candidate attempts a question wrong. A preliminary Examination consisting of an objective test will be conducted online. The test will have three sections (with separate timings for each section) as follows:

SNo.SectionsNumber of QuestionsTotal MarksDuration
1.Reasoning Ability353520 minutes
2.Numerical Ability353520 minutes
3.English: Language with special emphasis on grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension303020 minutes
 Total100 60 minutes

Note: English Language Test will be of qualifying nature and marks in the Language section will not be counted for ranking.

LIC AAO & AE Mains Exam

The main examination will consist of objective tests for 200 marks. The objective test will be online. The objective test will have separate timing for every section.

SNo.SectionsNumber of QuestionsTotal MarksDuration
1.Reasoning309040 minutes
2.General Knowledge, Current Affairs306020 minutes
3.Professional knowledge 309040 minutes
4.Insurance and Financial Market Awareness306020 minutes
 Total120300120 minutes
5.English Language (Letter Writing & Essay)/ Legal drafting for AAO(Legal)22530 minute

• Descriptive test of English Language etc. will be of qualifying nature and the marks in the English Language will not be counted for ranking.

• The candidates are required to qualify for each of the Tests. Candidates will have to qualify for each of the objective tests. 
• There will be negative marks for wrong answers in the Objective tests for the main examination. ¼ marks will be deducted for each wrong answer. 
• The marks obtained in the Preliminary Examination (Phase I) will not be added for the selection and the final selection will be based on the marks obtained by a candidate in Main Examination (Phase II) marks obtained in the Interview.