About Us

To ensure reliable and comprehensive bank coaching for all the major bank recruitment exams, we offer an array of study material and preparation, covering the most crucial part of banking examinations. We cater to a large number of aspirants with varying requirements, which reflects in our range of programs. Students can choose any programme for Bank PO, Clerk, SSC, etc. Year on year, students have trusted us for our course material and teaching process for various bank exams.

We are Experts

We are designed to be your companion in your preparation and you can even find some valuable tips and strategies over here. With 16 years of experience in exam preparation and with our endeavor to help you succeed, we will make sure that you seize each and every opportunity.

the ace pro leadership


Kapil Singh

I founded this institute on the belief that every student has the ability to learn and get their dream banking jobs. This institute lays greater emphasis on the value of education. Our education system shapes the personality and character of an individual and cultivates life skills. We are fully aware of the responsibility and the expectations that students and parents have from us. To prove their expectations right, we offer unique and comprehensive offering to our students so that they stay ahead of the competition and achieve their career goals. Because of excellent results and selections, we have emerged as a leader in this domain and have continuously received appreciation from many students.

Ace Pro Academy


Our vision is to become one of the best institutes in the field of banking exams. We are committed to provide the highest selection rate in all competitive examinations and to deliver the best in quality so that students should get all their expectations fulfilled. Our main focus is to empower the upcoming generation with excellent standards of quality education and contributing a skilled workforce.


Our core mission is to strengthen our position in the industry by providing the best education for IBPS, SBI, RBI, and other banking examinations.

  • Recognizing student’s success is our priority.
  • To act as a catalyst for the exponential growth of students by taking care of minor to major queries while in the classroom.
  • To develop professionally qualified and competent students, so that after coaching and selection they can serve society in the best possible way.

Why Us

Remarkable Results

Preparation is the key to success. We have taken our students through extensive preparation process and as a result they have given us remarkable scores, with their hard work and dedication.

Prodigious Study Material

Proper study material ensures high quality learning and understanding of students. We give our students a well researched study package to help them achieve highest results.

Exceptional Team

Well experienced faculty is the foremost requirement for the student to have deep understanding of subject and help them to prepare well for competitive exams.

Excellent Analytics

It is extremely important for students to know the subjects in which they are good and weak. We help them analyse the same and help them prepare accordingly.